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                         A little about me!

    Hello everyone I am so glad you have popped in to my page to look at some of my work and find out about me and what got me here today. I'll just jump right in by saying I love Photography and have since as young as I can remember. I have always hated being in front of the camera though but love embracing memories from the past. I have regrets of not having many pictures of myself growng up as a child but now with three kids (teen boys) I take every opportunity to grab these memories as they grow and boy they have grown fast! My boys are always saying "Mom stop"! Yes I think I have over photographed them in their minds but I love to look back at my pictures and they bring me right back to that day!
   Growing up (In Panama City Beach Florida) I started taking pictures with the standard polaroid camera and 35mm's. I went threw so many but my mom always kept me stocked full of film and back up cameras. When I was 15 my dad turned a room in the basement that was the size of a small closet into a dark room for me and when I got into high school in Colorado (Arvada Sr High) of course I joined the Photography class they had there. I really got into photography in my very early 20's after kids when I was a stay at home mom. I started taking pictures for friends and their familys. 
    In 2003 I moved back home to Florida for a few years and after all my boys where in school I went to work part time but I was a lucky mom because I was able to have a job I only worked Monday- Friday 9am-2pm so I could still bring my boys to school and pick them up and be off on weeknds for all their sports. I have always been 210% all about my kids and family! It is truly what matters most! 
    In 2009 I moved back to Colorado with no real back ground as far as jobs went so I ended up working as an Assistant Mananger in training in fast food. I then found a great job with marking being an Assistant Catering Coordinater for a healthy eating restaurant. I continued working within the fast food industry for another 6 months. So my days where 9am-2pm one job and then 2nd job was 3pm-10pm both Monday- Friday.  After 3 months I put my 2 weeks in and just worked my day job. Soon I was bumped up to Marketing and Catering Director for my own store with my own office. I was very proud of myself. Two months after that it all came to a hault when they got rid of my position. I stayed with the company only working 15 hours a week doing odd jobs until I found another great job as a Photographer. I was extreamly excited to work for a National Photography Studio because after all I love Photography! They helped train me with lighting and postioning people. I soon found out that it was seasonal so when that ended in Oct 2013 my husband said don't go back to another job just focus on what you love so that's what I have done! I now have my busness licenced through the state of Colorado! It took me a while to get where I am but I am doing what I love and helping other families make amazing memories to look back on as I have with my own family. 
   I have done everything from....Birth pictures in the delivery room, New born pictures, Anniversary pictures, 5k run for Cory Everson Fitness, chritmas pictures for KB Homes, Senior portraits, Boudior, Families, Birthday parties, Small weddings, making pictures for Colorado Tan, Reunions and so much more. Pretty much there's nothing I won't do but I also won't do a shoot I dont feel I have the experiance for either. I'm very honest and up front about this. I have heard stories of people hiring a Photographer and not getting what they thought they where supposed  to get or just aweful pictures and I don't want to be that Photographer! 
   I love the adventure of anyhthing new! My prices I keep low because I love what I do. I don't charge extra fee's to people for my equitpment that I buy as others may. I do not charge extra fee's at all, all my fee's are a flat fee with no hidden charges. I give quotes same day and all that is required is a deposit to hold that date for you. I make packages fitted for each person and their need's with prints as well if needed. You always get all pictures on a CD, as well as print's if that's the package you ordered. I do not over book and once I book you for that date it's all yours. Booking and a set date is only when deposit is made. Deposits are non-refunable. The deposit will go towards your final fee. If you need to move date to another time that's fine deposit works with that too. If you just need to cancel but do not have another date yet you have two choices..... 1. I still hold fee until you are ready or 2. if you cancel 2 weeks before your orginal booking then deposit can be refunded but if less than 2 weeks it will NOT  be refunded. Sorry but that spot could have went to another family. Most my families set thier dates 1/2 weeks in advance.  
  Again I love what I do and I am a very laid back go with it kind of lady who is always smiling but also have a professional attutide too. I love to make people smile and love people of all ages! My shoots are outside with a few poses but I also like the families to be very natural and play with their kids ect...Just makes it more of a non-stress environment!
                                                                                 Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you soon!!!!
                                                                                                                 Jeannie Thomas
                                                                                                                 Aurora Colorado
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